3 Vital Steps to Fall Preparation for a Beautiful Spring Lawn

08 Sep 2016Uncategorized

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Fall is the optimal time to begin preparations for a spring lawn. Winter can be harsh, so taking care of your lawn now, while the weather conditions are favorable, will not only make it easier on your, it will also ensure a healthier lawn once the cold makes its way on out. Here are some fall lawn care tips that will help maintain your lawn’s health so it will be beautiful when spring rolls around.

1) Take Time to Remove Debris & Aerate

Leaves and other debris can smother a lawn and even leave it susceptible to lawn diseases. Take time to rake the lawn one more time before the winter weather hits

Aeration is also very effective and should be done before the ground becomes frozen. Aerating is the process of punching 3-4 inch deep holes into your lawn. This allows water, oxygen, fertilizers, and other nutrients to penetrate the soil all the way to the roots of the grass. Tools to properly aerate your lawn can be found at your local lawn and garden store.

2) Be Conscientious of Your Mowing

Your lawn shouldn’t have any young growth when it enters the winter season. Young growth leaves a lawn susceptible to winter lawn diseases, like snow mold. To ensure this doesn’t happen, it is important to keep your lawn cut as short as possible, without scalping it, before winter weather rolls in. To do this, lower your mower’s height gradually, over the last few mows of the season. Doing it gradually keeps you causing any damage to your turf.

3) Seed & Fertilize as Needed

Fall really is a great time to start a new lawn, so if you need to seed, do it now. The cooler temperatures keep the seeds from drying out and there is still enough rain and sun that allows the seed to germinate before it hibernates in winter. Be sure to overseed those really thin or bare areas for best results.

This time of year your lawn’s top growth has slowed down, which gives you the perfect opportunity to get nutrients directly to the roots. Take full advantage of this by getting in a late fall fertilization. The fertilizer will be converted into a food reserve, which will be ready and waiting to jumpstart healthy grass in the spring.

Fall preparation for your lawn can make the maintenance much easier come springtime. It might even save you some money especially if the prices of your lawn care products are driven by seasonal changes. After all, spring will be here before you know it, so getting the dirty work done now will allow you to have more time to enjoy it!

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower