Why Choose Vortexx Power Washers?

14 Mar 2016Power Equipment

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Pressure washers can make short-work of cleaning things like your house, deck, car and boat, but only if you get a good washer. All too often, people find that the washer they picked up because it looked good in the store doesn’t live up to their expectations for ease of use and durability.


Vortexx pressure washers are designed to fix the problems people had when using other pressure washers. The Vortexx designers examined the most common complaints consumers had with pressure washers and created a line of washers that improved upon each problem. If you’ve worked with a power washer before and weren’t satisfied, we hope you’ll consider using a Vortexx this time.

Easy Movement

Some pressure washers are hard to move around while you’re working because the handles aren’t in the right place and there’s nowhere to put the water hose. On Vortexx washers, handles are designed so you can pull the washer behind you as you walk. Just extend the handle and start walking – the washer won’t bump your heels or run into your legs.

Vortexx washers also have a build-in wand holder and a convenient place to store hoses. Hose hooks on the side of other washers often let the hoses fall off under the wheels, so Vortexx came up with a washer frame that includes a place where you can just coil the hose and drop it onto the washer. The frame holds the hose in place and keeps it within easy reach.

Strong Pumps and Engines

Vortexx chose Honda engines to power their washers because these engines get consistently high reviews from consumers. If you’ve worked with small engines before, you know Honda is the “gold standard” for powering equipment like pressure washers.

The pumps are another area where Vortexx made improvements. Many consumers had problems with pumps blowing out within the first year after purchasing a pressure washer, so Vortexx worked with AR North America to get long-lasting pumps that maximize both pressure and flow.

Sturdy Build

To keep the washers running even longer, Vortex designed the frames to protect parts of the washer that often get beat up in transport. One-piece welded construction using precision laser-cut aircraft grade 5052 aluminum makes for a sturdy, rust-free frame. This frame provides buffers around key parts of the washer, including recoil and pump fittings.

You might think a frame that stands away from the core parts of the washer and features a wide wheel stance would increase the weight, but that’s not the case. The Vortexx Homeowner washer is still compact and lightweight enough that you can just pick it up and put it in the back of the car or truck. Prosumer and Professional models are heavier, but can still be lifted by one or two people and are easy to transport.

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