What Can You Do With A Powerful and Versatile Mini Cultivator?

27 Dec 2018Power Equipment

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Tillers and cultivators are essential gardening tools that let you work the soil and make weeding easier. They come in a variety of styles and sizes, and you might find yourself wondering what each type is best for.

Small, maneuverable tillers, also called mini cultivators, offer a variety of advantages. Keep reading to learn what you can do with a mini cultivator.


Loosen Soil

Mini cultivators are not designed for breaking new ground. They’re for loosening soil that you already worked in the past. That makes them ideal for turning-up a spot of ground in the garden before planting. They’re also good for working soil amendments like compost into a garden.

Weed Between Rows

If you want to weed between rows with a larger tiller, you’ll need to leave lots of extra space between the plants for the tiller. That can be a problem if you’re trying to fit as many plants as possible into a small garden space. A mini cultivator lets you place rows at the recommended distance for each type of plant and still weed between them with ease.

Maneuver Easily

Mini cultivators are maneuverable and easy to work with. You’ll have no trouble using them in tight corners or gardens with an irregular shape. Their small size lets you work between plants, and since they’re small and easy to control you don’t have to worry so much about damaging surrounding plants.

Work Raised Beds

Because they’re so small, mini cultivators are ideal for working the soil in raised beds. Most tillers are too large for working soil in such a small space, but the mini cultivator fits perfectly. They’re also easy to control, so you don’t have to worry so much about running into the sides of the raised bed.

Transport And Store Without Hassle

A mini cultivator is often lightweight enough to lift with just one hand. You won’t have any trouble moving it around the different garden spaces you want to work on. They often have folding handles for easy transport and storage, and you can fit them in the trunk or back of a vehicle if need be. Small cultivators are also very easy to store and don’t take up much space.

Save Money

Mini cultivators are significantly less expensive than larger tillers. If you don’t have much storage space or want to save some money, you might want to just get a mini cultivator for yourself and rent a larger tiller once or twice a year when you need to work your whole garden.

If you’d like to get a cultivator of your own, stop by Richardson Saw & Lawnmower. We carry mini tillers from Honda, Echo, and Stihl to meet all your gardening needs.

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