Top 5 Reasons Landscape Professionals Still Like Using Intermediate Walk-Behind Mowers

16 Feb 2018Lawn Mowers

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With all the improvements in zero-turn mowers, sales of intermediate commercial walk-behinds started dropping several years ago. But even though riding mowers are now more affordable and reliable, many landscape professionals still choose mowers that they need to walk behind. Why?

Even though the demand for walk-behind mowers isn’t as high as it once was, there are several good reasons to use a walk-behind mower. And lawn mower manufacturers recognize this need. The top brands continue putting out new and improved walk-behind models to meet the needs of professionals and homeowners who want a mid-size mower that’s maneuverable, safe on hills, and gives them more flexibility.


Better Control

Commercial walk-behind mowers are larger than standard homeowner walk-behinds but smaller than most zero-turn models. The mid-size decks give them a good balance of quick-cutting and easy maneuverability that makes them ideal for mowing in places where you need precise cutting. They offer the operator more control when working around landscape beds, trees, retaining walls, parking lot islands, and other challenging mowing situations.

Safer On Hills

Walk-behind mowers offer better traction and stability than most riding mowers. It’s not safe to use zero-turns on any slope steeper than 15 degrees, and even with lawn tractors there’s still a big risk of tipping over. Walk-behinds give you more control on slopes. And if the mower does get away from you, there’s much less chance of you being injured.

More Flexibility

Using an intermediate walk-behind mower gives you more flexibility when you’re cutting. They make it easy for the operator to move around and get obstacles out of the way without climbing on and off the mower. They’re also easier to use in small yards. This is a huge advantage if you work with clients in residential areas or gated communities.

Smaller Footprint

Because walk-behind mowers are smaller than riding mowers, they won’t take up as much room on your equipment trailer. That means you can fit more tools on a single trailer. The smaller footprint also makes it easier to get the mower in and out of tight spaces, such as though gates to get into a client’s backyard.

Comfortable Use

Some landscapers simply prefer to walk rather than ride. With that in mind, commercial walk-behind mowers are now designed for ergonomics and comfort. They’re also self-propelled and offer different speed settings for ease of use. To see the different models for yourself, click here to browse our selection of mid-size walk behinds or stop by our location in Richardson, Texas. We’ll be happy to show you our walk-behind mowers and answer any questions you have.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower