Maintaining A Slope

04 Mar 2013Lawn Care

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Maintaining A Slope Lewisville

Maintaining A Slope Lewisville

If you have slopes and hills in your yard, you already know how hard they can be to maintain. Slopes present unique challenges for homeowners, particularly when you are trying to mow the slope. If the slope is very steep, you might not be able to mow it at all, and even more gentle slopes can be a challenge to mow safely. There are some tips and tricks for mowing difficult slopes, but sometimes the best option is to landscape so mowing is not necessary.


Riding mowers are prone to certain risks when mowing on hills. For zero-turn mowers, the time-saving features that make them so popular for mowing level yards can pose safety risks on slopes greater than ten degrees. Most zero turn mowers do not have a foot pedal brake, and their faster mowing speeds make them harder to steer when going down hills.

For mowing slopes with a riding mower, a front-steering lawn tractor is best. When mowing on slopes with any riding mower, make sure you mow slowly straight up and down the hill instead of across horizontally. Mow on a day when the grass is dry to help prevent slipping.

Sloped can often be mowed with a walk-behind mower more safely than on a riding mower. If the slope is gradual enough that the mower won’t tip over, you can mow across the slope. Or, you can mow like the man in this video. Attaching a rope to the back of the mower and guiding it down the hill can be safer and less tiring than walking the mower up and down the hill yourself.


If the slope is rocky or very steep, you won’t be able to mow it. To maintain a slope like this, a trimmer is the best equipment for the job. In general, the best way to cut grass on a slope using a string trimmer is to start at the bottom of the hill and move along the slope. This lets the cut grass fall down hill so you aren’t cutting through grass that has already been trimmed.


If the slope is impossible or too difficult to maintain using mowers or trimmers, you can always landscape the slope to rid of the grass. Growing a groundcover that does not need mowed or turning the slope into a landscape bed are viable options when you can’t mow the slope. Bushes, shrubs, and hardy perennials like daylilies can be planted on slopes to minimize mowing and trimming. For especially steep slopes, you can terrace them into garden beds or a multi-level patio or deck.

Slopes and hills can be challenging to mow safely, but there are ways to keep the slopes well-maintained. Care when choosing what type of mower to use and which direction you mow, and making sure the grass is dry, can make it possible to mow many slopes safely. For steeper slopes or slopes in a challenging location, such as near water, a string line trimmer is the best option. And if you decide the slope is too challenging to maintain, landscaping is an attractive alternative.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower