Keep Mosquitos Away From Your Home With Safe, Effective Mosquito Steve Products

31 Aug 2021Lawn Care

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Natural Kid and Pet Safe Mosquito Repellent Spray

If you spend time outdoors during mosquito season, you know just how annoying those little bugs can be. Worse, they may carry dangerous diseases. Insect repellents are a go-to fix for driving away bloodsucking mosquitos, but commercially available chemical bug sprays may have harmful side effects and home remedies like drier sheets don’t really work.

There should be a better way to enjoy the outdoors without mosquitos eating you alive!

Here at Richardson Saw, we’ve started carrying Mosquito Steve Products to help solve this problem. These mosquito repellent formulas are effective in real-world tests. In addition, they will never harm pets, children, or beneficial insects.

Natural Kid And Pet Safe Mosquito Repellent Spray

About Mosquito Steve

Mosquito Steve’s products use a blend of essential oils to drive off mosquitos. While most mosquito repellents are tested in labs, Mosquito Steve products pass real-world tests. These products are guaranteed to work against the same types of mosquitos that you’d see outdoors around your house.

To get the formula just right to repel as many mosquitoes as possible, Mosquito Steve tested it on himself and in “thousands of field trials.” Those trials proved that Mosquito Steve products “work better and last longer than DEET, Picaridin or any other products” you can buy. You can read more about that by clicking here.

How It Works

Treating your yard makes mosquitos not want to land in places where they’d normally hide waiting for you to come outside. Since mosquitos can build up resistance to certain repellents, Mosquito Steve uses a unique “layering” of different oils to ensure that if the mosquitoes get used to one there’s another oil to take its place.

Even though mosquitos hate the essential oils in Mosquito Steve products, the oils are completely safe for kids, pets, and the environment. For best results, Mosquito Steve recommends you give products 10 to 15 minutes to work before going outside. However, the products are so safe that you could go out immediately after spraying. There are no harmful chemicals at all.

DIY Options

To get Mosquito Steve protection for your yard, you can either hire a professional or you use one of the DIY options. There are four main options for DIY mosquito control:

  • Mosquito Steve Portable Sprayer. This sprayer treats up to 1/4 acre. You activate it with a remote control. Running the sprayer for just three minutes will keep mosquitos away for three to six hours.
  • Hose-End Sprayer. This sprayer attaches to a regular garden hose. That gives you the ability to spot-treat parts of your yard where mosquitoes like to hide, such as under patio furniture. You can also treat places where mosquitoes might lay eggs, such as standing puddles of water.
  • Amazing Granules. You can use these dry granules to treat standing water or sprinkle them around gardens to help keep mosquitoes at bay.
  • Incense Sticks. If you want extra protection, or if the portable sprayer is outside your price range, setting up and lighting incense sticks outside will help repel mosquitoes.

You can use a combination of these different products to help cover your yard in mosquito protection. And now you can buy these products locally here at Richardson Saw & Lawnmower. If you’re interested, stop by to chat with our knowledgeable employees. We’ll be happy to tell you more about how Mosquito Steve can help protect you and your family from mosquitoes.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower