Do Homeowners Need a Lawn Spreader?

12 Jan 2024Lawn Care

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Do Homeowners Need a Lawn Spreader Hebron Lawn Care Equipment

As you’re getting ready for spring lawn care, you might be thinking about buying some new yard care tools. Quality lawn equipment can last for many years, but eventually, it’s time to replace old equipment or add a helpful new tool to your collection.

One of the tools you might think about adding or replacing is a lawn spreader. This tool is a must-have for commercial lawn care workers, but what about homeowners? Are there good reasons to invest in a lawn spreader for home use?

Do Homeowners Need A Lawn Spreader Hebron Lawn Care Equipment

What Are Spreaders For?

Lawn spreaders evenly distribute fertilizer, herbicides, grass seed, and other granular lawn products. They include a hopper to hold the product, and a distribution system to spread it over the lawn.

If you’re a homeowner who uses granular fertilizers, herbicides, or other products regularly, then a spreader can save you time. If you never or very rarely use those products (for example, if you fertilize the lawn with compost instead), then you won’t need a spreader.

What Are the Types of Spreaders?

There are two main types of spreaders for homeowners: drop spreaders and broadcast spreaders.

Drop spreaders precisely drop the material you’re spreading under the spreader. They help you get the product exactly where you want it. However, they are best for smaller yards because they cover a relatively small area with each pass.

Broadcast spreaders spray the material you’re spreading out in a fan-like pattern. They spread the product over a broader area, and help you quickly cover larger lawns. However, they are less precise, which means you’ll need to be careful to make sure you don’t get lawn products somewhere you don’t want them (for example, herbicides in the flower bed).

Are There Alternatives to Spreaders?

If you’re only applying granular lawn products occasionally, you can simply spread the product with your hands. Be sure to wear gloves and follow the safety instructions on the labels. You could also consider renting a spreader rather than buying one if you use it infrequently.

Alternately, many homeowners decide that it’s easier to hire a lawn or landscape professional to handle fertilizer applications, reseeding bare spots in the lawn, and other tasks that might require a spreader.

Which Spreader Should You Buy?

Here at Richardson Saw, we carry broadcast spreaders from Shindaiwa and Echo (as well as larger, commercial spreaders from Z Turf and Scag). These reliable, quality spreaders will speed up your work time and help evenly distribute fertilizer, herbicide, and more across the lawn. Get in touch with us today or stop by our store if you have any questions or want to get your own spreader.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower