10 Tips for Working with Lawn Equipment in Hot Weather

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10 Tips for Working with Lawn Equipment in Hot Weather Garland Lawn Equipment

During the heat of summer, working out in the yard is a challenging task. This is especially true during a particularly hot summer like the one we’re having in Texas. The grass and plants don’t stop growing, though, so someone has to leave the air conditioning to mow lawns and take care of landscapes.

When you’re working outside during the summer, there are several steps you can take to stay safe on hot days. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) lists “landscaping” as one of the industries most affected by heat-related illness. This means it’s extra important to take precautions when working in the yard when it’s hot. These precautions help protect landscape professionals and homeowners working in their yards from becoming another case of heatstroke or dealing with other heat-related illnesses.

In addition to being careful about safety, there are also other things you can do during the summer to help your yard stay nice. In this article, we’ll cover summer safety and landscaping tips to help keep you cool, the yard looking nice, and your equipment running smoothly.

10 Tips For Working With Lawn Equipment In Hot Weather Garland Lawn Equipment

1) Raise Mower Decks

Raising the cutting height on your mower deck is one of the best things you can do for your lawn during hot weather. Taller grass is more drought resistant. Mowing higher encourages the roots to grow deep. The longer grass blades also help shade the soil, keeping water in the ground longer by slowing evaporation.

2) Mow Less at A Time

As a general rule, you should only cut 1/3 of the total grass height each time you mow. To avoid stressing your lawn in the summer, you can cut that back to 1/4 of the total height. This also means the clippings are smaller, which lets them break down more quickly. Leaving your clippings on the lawn helps return water and nutrients to the soil.

3) Water Carefully

If there are water restrictions in your location, you might not be able to water the lawn at all. But if you can water, make sure you do so carefully. Water the lawn and landscape plants early in the morning or later in the evening when the temperature starts to drop a little. That will help ensure the water has time to soak into the soil before it all evaporates. Water deeply and infrequently. It’s much better to soak the soil several inches deep once a week than to water a little bit every day.

Read more here: “How to Take Care of Lawn and Landscaping During Water Restrictions”

4) Remember to Water Yourself

When working out in hot weather, it’s important to stay hydrated. Watering yourself is even more important than watering the lawn and landscaping. Carry a bottle of water when you’re working and remember to stop to take drinks regularly (at least every 15 minutes).

5) Wear Protective Gear

It’s tempting in the summer to skip protective gear because it can get so hot. But to avoid injury, make sure you still wear close-toed shoes when working with any lawn equipment. If you’re trimming, edging, or mowing, long pants are also a good idea to protect your legs from any rocks, sticks, or other debris that the equipment might kick up. Eye protection and long sleeves are also a good idea. Lightweight, breathable fabrics will help you stay cool and safe. If working with loud gasoline-powered equipment, you should also wear hearing protection. Finally, remember to wear a hat to help protect your face and head from the hot sun.

Read more here: “What Kind Of Safety Gear Should I Wear When Using Lawn Equipment?

6) Take Breaks

Even if you’re wearing a hat and drinking lots of water, the heat can still become too much if you stay out in it for a long time. The harder you’re working, the hotter you’ll feel. Temperature, humidity, and lack of wind can also make you overheat faster. Take frequent breaks in the shade or an air-conditioned location. Also, if you notice signs of a heat-related illness (such as confusion, dizziness, racing heart rate), stop working immediately and move to a cooler area.

Make sure you’re familiar with symptoms of heat-related illness and treatment options. This webpage about “Heat-Related Illnesses and First Aid” is a good place to start.

7) Mulch Landscape Plants

If you didn’t mulch landscape beds earlier in the year, it’s not too late to do that now. Mulch helps keep the soil cool and helps it hold in water. This is great for plants during hot weather when there’s not much water. It helps protect them from wilting and cuts back on the amount of water they need.

8) Keep Equipment Clean

It’s always important to keep your lawn equipment clean. Mower decks cut better without a buildup of grass clippings underneath. Other equipment also lasts longer if you clean it regularly. During the summer, it’s especially important to keep air intake screens, vents, and air filters clean. Keeping these screens clean lets air flow through the engine and helps keep equipment cool.

9) Let Equipment Cool Off

Even with careful maintenance, lawn equipment will heat up faster when you’re using it during hot weather. On very hot days, it’s a good idea to turn off the equipment and give it a chance to cool off every so often. Probably the easiest way to do that is to park the mower in the shade or take hand-held equipment into the shade with you when you take a break.

10) Work When It’s Cooler

In the summer, the best time to work in the yard is in the early morning or evening when the weather is cooler. If there’s dew on the ground in the morning, then the evening will be a better choice so you’re not mowing wet grass. It’s not always possible to avoid working during the heat of midday, but if you can work in the evening that will help keep you cool.

You can pick up any equipment and safety gear you need for your lawn and landscaping right here at Richardson Saw & Lawnmower. If you have any questions about safety gear or how your power equipment will perform in hot weather, just ask us. Our expert staff will be happy to help.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower