We frequently dine outdoors at a friend’s house. Prior to setting two or three of these, depending on the winds, and the two of us will eat outside for hours with no mosquitoes and rarely a fly! And it smells great! For a larger gathering, just add more sticks!
Outdoor Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks 19″ (8 pack)
We frequently dine outdoors at a friend’s house. Prior to setting two or three of these, depending on the winds, and the two of us will eat outside for hours with no mosquitoes and rarely a fly! And it smells great! For a larger gathering, just add more sticks!
To maintain brand standards, this product is only available for purchase in-store.
As dealers, we are required by our manufacturer to unpack, prep, and test every unit we sell and then take our customers through a short training session on the parts and controls of the unit both for their safety and protection as well as familiarity with the power tool. This hands-on approach has continued to serve our company efficiently and well for over 50 years. So, we appreciate your understanding when we cannot ship certain products from our website.
Please call 972-235-2086 for details or to arrange in-store pickup.
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