Echo MS-2310H Handheld Sprayer
The MS-2310H is a versatile handheld sprayer with a 2-gal. capacity, designed for efficient cleaning, sanitizing, and chemical application, featuring a lightweight design and professional-grade components.
To maintain brand standards, this product is only available for purchase in-store.
As dealers, we are required by our manufacturer to unpack, prep, and test every unit we sell and then take our customers through a short training session on the parts and controls of the unit both for their safety and protection as well as familiarity with the power tool. This hands-on approach has continued to serve our company efficiently and well for over 50 years. So, we appreciate your understanding when we cannot ship certain products from our website.
Please call 972-235-2086 for details or to arrange in-store pickup.
Echo MS-2310H Description
The MS-2310H handheld sprayer features a 2-gal. capacity and 45 PSI for home and shop use. The MS-2310H offers a convenient, lightweight design with a wide mouth opening for easy filling and cleaning. With a high-capacity, professional-grade pump, and fiberglass wand it’s ideal for cleaning, sanitizing, and applying harsh chemicals for either indoor or outdoor applications.
Echo MS-2310H Features
2-gal. capacity tank with wide mouth opening
For quick and easy filling
Four nozzle types for a variety of applications
Adjustable, flat fan, hollow cone and jet stream
Professional-grade pump
Ensures quick pressurization with less strokes
Professional-grade 21 in. fiberglass wand
For long reach
In-line filtration system
Easy to clean
Lockable spray valve
Allows continuous spraying to reduce operator fatigue
Echo MS-2310H Specifications
Tank Capacity (gal) | 2 |
Max Pressure Rating (psi) | Up to 45 |
Dry Weight (lbs) | 5.0 |
Pump Type | Piston |
Wand Material | Fiberglass |
Nozzle Type | Adjustable |
Wand Length (in) | 21 |
Sprayer Type | Handheld |
Locking Spray Handle | Yes |
Filtration System | Chemical Resistant |
Consumer Warranty | 5 year |
Commercial Warranty | 2 year |
MSRP | $49.99 |
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