Mother’s Day Lawn and Garden Gift Guide 2023

28 Apr 2023Power Equipment

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Mothers Day Lawn and Garden Gift Guide 2023 Farmersbranch Outdoor Power Equipment

Last year, I bought my mom a garden stool/kneeling bench with tool pouches. I think it’s her favorite gift I’ve ever bought her; over a year later she’s still telling me how much she loves using it when she’s out in the garden.

For moms who like spending time in their yards, lawn and gardening equipment can be the best gift you could give them for Mother’s Day. And if you’d rather give Mom the day off and give her the gift of you doing the yard work, we’ve also got some suggestions for that.

Mothers Day Lawn And Garden Gift Guide 2023 Farmersbranch Outdoor Power Equipment

Gifts for Mom

Does your mom like to do things for herself? Is gardening or yard care one of her favorite hobbies? Has she been dropping hints that a new lawn or garden tool would be appreciated? In that case, then one of these yard care tools might be the perfect gift this Mother’s Day.

Mini cultivator

If Mom is a gardener, then a mini cultivator can be a great gift. These powerful little tools are great for large or small garden spaces. In small gardens, mom could use them to turn up soil at the beginning of the year. In both large and small gardens, she can use them throughout the growing season to get into tight spaces, work amendments like compost into the soil, and quickly take out weeds between rows.

Battery hand-tools

Some tasks like trimming shrubs and sweeping off the patio can be done by hand, but why make Mom go to the extra trouble? Small hand-held battery-powered blowers make quick work of outdoor cleanup tasks. And powered garden sheers make trimming tasks simple without needing to manage the bulk of a full-size hedge trimmer. Check out STIHL’s HSA 26 garden shears, which were recently featured as a Good Thing by Martha Stewart.


If you’re looking to splurge and get Mom something super versatile as well as useful, then consider a multi-tool system. With the Echo PAS, STIHL KombiSystem, or STIHL YardBoss tool sets, Mom will be able to tackle just about any task in the yard. These systems are great because she’ll only need to maintain one powerhead (gasoline or battery) for all the tools. This saves space and makes maintenance easier.

Picking a multi-tool as a gift has one more bonus. You can start out by giving her a power head and one or two attachments, then the next time you need to come up with a gift you can pick out another attachment. Makes it a lot easier to think of the next gift to get Mom!


For a smaller, but no less meaningful, purchase consider getting Mom some comfort and safety gear to help with yard work. Nice work gloves are a must whether she’s gardening, trimming a hedge, or cleaning the deck of a lawnmower. While you’re here, pick up one of our Richardson Saw Hats to help Mom keep the sun off her head.

Mothers Day Lawn And Garden Gift Guide 2023 Farmers Branch Outdoor Power Equipment

Help Mom Out

Even if Mom likes working in the yard herself, sometimes it’s nice to have someone else take care of things like mowing the lawn. Or you could tackle a larger project for her, like repairing a privacy fence, installing a firepit, or laying a new path in the garden.


If you’re going to mow the lawn for Mom, then you’re going to need a lawnmower. She probably has one already, but if you’d like to upgrade her mower (or if she asks for advice on picking out a new one) then there are a lot of options to choose from. For small to mid-size yards, check out our guide to buying a walk-behind mower. For mid-size and larger yards, click here to read our guide to zero-turn riding mowers.

Lawn care service

Another great idea for a Mother’s Day gift would be to sign Mom up for lawn care service from one of the commercial mowing companies in your area. Even if she likes working in the yard, she might appreciate not having to mow every week during the summer.

Renovation Tools

If you’d like to complete a yard project as your Mother’s Day gift, then you might need to rent some special lawn renovation tools. For example, installing an invisible fence for a dog is much easier if you rent a tool like the Ryan Jr. Sod Cutter with Mole Blade kit. If you need to remove a layer of sod to put in a new path, a sod cutter can also make that task much easier. Mother’s Day (or earlier) is also a good time of year to aerate a Texas lawn, and if the weather is good renting an aerator can be a great way to help Mom out and make her lawn look great.

Pressure wash

Another great tool to rent for helping Mom out around the yard is a power washer. Actually, this might be a great tool to buy for yourself and then take it over to Mom’s to help out. A compact, portable power washer like the Stihl RE 90 Electric Pressure Washer is affordable and useful for a wide range of tasks. Use the power washer for clearing sidewalks, decks, and driveways, cleaning the car and other vehicles, and washing the siding on the house.

Build something

If you like building things, then building something for Mom can be a great gift. While there are many projects you could try, a raised planting bed might be a great place to start. Grab a chainsaw, some landscape timbers, and a few other tools and you’ll be ready to get started. Check out this guide from STIHL for step-by-step planting box instructions and ideas for planting a salsa garden.


Mom deserves the best. Whether you’re purchasing a yard tool for your mom who loves to do it herself or planning a yard project to help your mother out, you’ll want top-quality lawn and garden tools. That’s where Richardson Saw can help. We carry quality lawn and landscaping tools from reliable brands like STIHL, Honda, and Echo to meet all your Mother’s Day gift-giving needs this year.

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