Here’s Why You Should Buy From An Authorized Lawn Equipment Dealer

06 Dec 2017Power Equipment

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When you’re shopping for lawn equipment, you might sometimes see sellers other than certified dealers offering top-brands for sale. Maybe it’s a private party selling a used lawnmower. Or maybe it’s a big box store that seems to have a very similar model to the more expensive one you were looking at from a dealer. And so you ask yourself the question: are there any advantages to buying from an authorized lawn equipment dealer?


You Know You’re Getting The Best Quality

Some manufacturers, like John Deere, have deals with big box stores to make lower-priced models for sale in places like Home Depot or Lowes. To people who don’t do their research, that can seem like a great deal. They get the more prestigious name brand at the same price as a “cheaper” brand. But in most cases, lower prices mean lower quality.

Manufacturers sell their best models through certified dealers. Similarly, the brands that only sell through dealers and don’t offer box store versions of their products (such as Scag) are typically higher quality. When it comes to lawn equipment, you really do get what you pay for.

They Service What They Sell

If you buy from someone other than an authorized dealer, it can make maintenance and repairs harder. Either you’ll be trying to find off-brand parts that will work for your equipment or you’ll still need to go through the dealer for the best quality parts. And when your equipment needs service that you can’t do yourself, you either have to choose between taking it to a dealer you didn’t buy from or hoping that a mechanic who might not be manufacturer-certified knows what he’s doing.

When you buy from the dealer directly, then you already have a relationship with the people who are best equipped to service your lawn equipment. Look for a dealer, like Richardson Saw & Lawnmower, whose technicians have received top certifications by the manufactures of the equipment they’re selling.

They Can Answer Your Questions Accurately

Dealers should be very familiar with the brands they sell. And the ones with service centers staffed by manufacturer-certified technicians are particularly reliable sources of information. If you have any questions about the brands you’re considering, a dealer is the best place to go for answers.

If you’re looking for a dealer in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, come visit us. Richardson Saw & Lawnmower holds the highest dealer certifications from manufacturers including Scag, Toro, Stihl, Echo, Honda, and Exmark. We’re your go-to source for the highest quality lawn equipment, parts, and service.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower