The Best Holiday Gift For Men: KombiMotor Multi-task Tool

03 Dec 2013Multi-Task Tools

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Christmas Gifts KombiMotor Multi-task Tool

Christmas Gifts Kombimotor Multi-Task Tool

Men who work outside landscaping and doing yard work need lawn equipment that is reliable and efficient. When buying gifts for your father or husband, keep the Stihl Kombi multi-task tool in mind.  Whether he is a professional landscaper or a man who cares about keeping his yard looking nice, he will appreciate the power and versatility of the Kombi Motor and its attachments.

Two Kombi Motors

There are two models of Kombi Motors: the KM 56 RC-E for home landscaping work and the KM 90 R for professional landscapers.  The KM 90 R has a more powerful engine, which is designed to produce 15% more engine power than the KM 5 RC-E. Both motors feature Stihl’s environmentally friendly low-emission engine design.

Both types of motor feature an electronic ignition that makes the Kombi easy to start. The ignition module is enclosed to protect it from debris and moisture and extend the life of the engine. The KM 56 RC-E also features Stihl’s Easy2Start technology that requires only a gentle pull on the starter cord to start the engine.

Benefits of the Kombi Tool

The main benefit of the Kombi system is that a single motor can be used to power multiple tools. This makes it easier to store tools and saves space in a home or business. It also cuts down on required maintenance, since only one engine will need cleaned and serviced to keep several different tools running smoothly.

Both types of Kombi Motor feature a split shaft, with part of the shaft length attached to the motor and the other part of the shaft length attached to the tool head. This makes it easy to switch between tool attachments quickly and without using extra tools, and also allows Kombi tools to be disassembled in a way that makes them easy to store and transport.

Both the KM 5 RC-E and the KM 90 R motors feature an adjustable loop handle designed to make it easy to use the tool in a variety of positions to accommodate different tool attachments. The controls are placed above this loop handle, all in one place so they can be reached without the operator taking his hands off the handle.

Kombi Tool Attachments

Richardson Saw & Lawnmower offers each Kombi Motor for sale by itself or in a kit with two basic attachments for an extra $170. Kombi Kit #1 includes the straight shaft trimmer and edger attachments with the Kombi motor of your choice. Kombi Kit #2 includes the straight shaft trimmer and Kombi motor with a blower attachment instead of edger.

A wide variety of other attachments will work with the Kombi motor. These include straight and curved shaft lawn edgers, a curved shaft trimmer, a string-line trimmer head, and a brush cutter for heavy-duty trimming. Two types of hedge trimmers, one with a straight shaft and one with an adjustable cutting angle are available, as well as a pole pruner attachment. A cultivator is also offered. For clean-up work, there is a bristle brush and Stihl’s PowerSweep attachment.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower