5 Reasons to Choose Scag for Your Commercial Fleet

10 Mar 2023Lawn Mowers

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Your choice of lawnmowers can make or break your commercial lawn care business. Reliable lawn care equipment is the backbone of your business, and when you offer lawn mowing services the mowers are the most important equipment in your fleet.

A mower that reliably cuts all season long and consistently delivers great-looking lawns to your customers is just the sort you need. Scag mowers have the quality and features to do that. Here are five reasons to consider using Scag mowers in your professional equipment fleet.Scag-Tiger-Cat-Zero-Turn-Mower-Dealer Near Me

1) History of Quality

Scag began manufacturing commercial lawnmowers in 1983. Today, they’re one of the world’s largest independent manufacturers specializing in equipment for commercial and residential mowing as well as debris/turf management.

Over the years, Scag quickly became a leader in the commercial mower sector. Scag mowers are known for being reliable, long-lasting, fast, and super high quality. Plus, Scag is constantly innovating and making improvements to their mowers. Whether that’s making little updates to existing models or innovating brand new designs, Scag is (to borrow their own phrase) “Simply the Best.”

2) Made in America

Here at Richarson Saw, we’re proud to sell many made-in-America products. Scag manufactures and assembles most of their products right here in the USA. Products made here in America, including Scag’s mowers, meet high standards for quality control, worker safety, and environmental friendliness.

Buying products manufactured and assembled in America also boosts the national economy. And by buying them from a Scag dealer, you’re helping the local economy as well.


3) Better Made Components

Because they manufacture their own components, Scag has direct control over the quality of those components. They’re also able to innovatively reengineer components in response to user feedback to continue making their mowers better.

Here are some of the top-quality components you can expect to find in a Scag mower. First, the mower belts are made with Kevlar cords rather than the fabric/polyester that other mowers use. Also, Scag uses split-steel pullies instead of plastic ones. In addition, cutter deck spindles feature cast iron housings and are fully greaseable. These sorts of quality components are one of the many reasons to buy Scag.

4) Performance and Productivity, with Options

Innovative design and high-quality components come together into mowers that consistently deliver in terms of performance and productivity. Wide cutting-deck sizes get the job done quickly without compromising on quality grass cutting. And there are narrower sizes available, too, for when you’re cutting smaller yards.

Speaking of options, Scag provides a variety of different types of mowers to fit your company’s exact needs. There are gasoline, diesel, and propane engines. You can get battery-powered mowers. Walk-behind, stand-on, and sit-down riding mowers are available. You can even start setting up an order for a customized model with Scag’s Build Your Own Mower tool.

Scag-Patriot-Lawn-Mower-Parts-Cost Near Me5) Scag Fleet Program

Scag’s Fleet Purchaser Program lets qualifying commercial buyers save up to 20% off MSRP. This program is for a single buyer purchasing several qualifying items all at one time, though additional purchases within the next 12 months may also qualify.

This is a great way to start building or expanding your fleet with Scag® Cat’s Eye Gold mowers. You can get the full details by visiting Richardson Saw & Lawnmower, your local Scag Pro-Gold Dealer. Scag mowers are only available in person through authorized dealers, but you can see some of the models we carry by visiting our website. To check these mowers out in person or learn more about the Scag Feet Purchaser Program, get in touch with us or stop by our location in Richardson, TX.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower