Give Your Customers Safe, Effective Mosquito Protection with Mosquito Steve Products

30 Sep 2021Lawn Care

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Mosquito Steve natural bug repellent

When you work in the lawn and landscaping industry, insects are something you need to deal with. You might have customers asking questions about their options for keeping mosquitos away from their yards. Or maybe you notice a lot of mosquitoes when working on a customer’s property and wonder if you could offer them a solution.

At Richardson Saw, we’ve started carrying Mosquito Steve Products to fill this need. Unlike many bug repellents or mosquito treatments, Mosquito Steve products are safe for pets, children, wildlife, and beneficial insects. You could spray them on a client’s yard and their kids or pets could play on the grass immediately after without any problems. Plus, these repellents prove effective over and over again in real-world tests.

Mosquito Steve Natural Bug Repellent

How Mosquito Steve Products Work

Mosquito Steve’s products use a blend of essential oils to drive away mosquitos. The different types of oils mean that if mosquitos get used to one oil, the others in the blend will help keep them out of a yard. These oils scare off mosquitoes and help get rid of chiggers and fleas, but they are completely safe for other wildlife, pets, and people.

Many commercial mosquito repellents manufacturers test their products in labs. Mosquito Steve tested their products outdoors to ensure the treatments are effective against the types of mosquitos you’ll see in client yards. The results of those tests show that Mosquito Steve products “work better and last longer than DEET, Picaridin or any other products.” You can click here to learn more about their testing and guarantees.

Residential Mosquito Options

Mosquito Steve offers several options for homeowners looking to keep mosquitoes out of their yards. DIY options (which your lawn or landscaping company could offer to handle for busy homeowners) include treating the yard with a hose-end sprayer to eliminate common mosquito hiding places and using granular treatment in standing water to keep mosquitoes from laying eggs. You can also apply Mosquito Steve yard treatments with commercial sprayers like the STIHL SR 200.

Another residential option is a misting system. With this option, you can install a misting system in residential yards that disperses mosquito repellent once or twice a day. Depending on the homeowner’s preference, you can set these up to run automatically on a timer or by remote control.

Commercial and Municipal Mosquito Repellent

Mosquito repellent spray treatments and misting systems can also work for commercial clients. Whether a company wants you to treat standing water to reduce mosquitoes around their corporate offices, or you have a municipal contract that includes mosquito treatment, Mosquito Steve offers safe, effective products to eliminate the mosquito threat.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Mosquito Steve can help protect your customers from mosquitoes, stop in at Richardson Saw & Lawnmower. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will be happy to chat with you about how to use these mosquito repellents effectively and market them to your clients.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower