Benefits of a Leaf Blower

02 Oct 2013Blower, Lawn Care

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Echo PB 755SH backpack leaf blower

Echo Pb 755Sh Backpack Leaf Blower

Leaf blowers are a time and labor saving piece of equipment. In addition to helping you remove leaves and grass from a lawn, they can also be used for other clean up tasks around your home and yard. There are several different models of blowers available from reliable brands – such as Echo, RedMax, Shindaiwa, and Stihl – and one of them is sure to match your needs as homeowner or lawn care professional.

Uses For A Leaf Blower

Leaf blowers are useful for a variety of tasks. If you have a large yard, they are very efficient at cleaning up the bulk of fallen leaves or grass clippings laying on the lawn. They can also be used to clean up sidewalks, driveways, and play areas, or clean out gutters. Light, fluffy snow can be removed with a leaf blower.

Blowers can also be used for cleaning out garages or sheds and are better than brooms for getting debris out of hard-to-reach corners. They can also be used to remove cobwebs from rafters. When working with a blower inside an outbuilding, make sure the doors are open and any items that could be blown around have been secured or removed.

Types of Leaf Blower

Blowers come in two main types: handheld and backpack models. Handheld blower are typically less expensive than backpack blowers and lighter weight, which makes them easier to use. However, backpack blowers are much more powerful and for large jobs they will considerably reduce time spent using the blower. This makes backpack blowers more versatile, since they can handle both large and small work loads.

Most blowers are gas powered, but there are electric models available. Electric blowers are lighter weight, do not run quite as loud, and can be easier to maintain. There are disadvantages to going with an electric model, however. They are not as powerful as gasoline powered blowers, and unless you have a battery powered model you will have to deal with an electric cord.

Using A Leaf Blower

The most important consideration when using a leaf blower is safety. Eye protection should be worn when operating a leaf blower because of flying debris and blown dust. Since blowers are very loud, it is a good idea to wear hearing protection like ear plugs. Avoid using leaf blowers on gravel drives or bare dirt to avoid breathing in dust. When blowing off a lawn, it is a good idea to work on a windless day and blow the leaves or grass onto a tarp so they can easily be bundled up and removed.

Using a leaf blower for clean up around the home and yard is a good way to save time and reduce labor. Whether you are removing leaves and grass from a lawn or cleaning out the garage, leaf blowers can make the job go more quickly. For this reason, blowers are a good addition to your collection of lawn equipment for both both residential and commercial use.

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