5 Essential Maintenance Tips For Hedge Trimmers

16 Oct 2017Hedge Trimmer

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Like other power equipment, your hedge trimmers need regular maintenance if you want them to keep running smoothly. Keeping up with maintenance will also make the trimmers easier to use, help prevent more costly repairs, and extend the life of your trimmer.


1) Lubricate The Blades

Hedge trimmers use toothed blades that move back and forth along a cutting bar. Your hedge trimmer probably has a dual action blade, which means there are two blades moving in opposite directions so you get faster, cleaner cutting. You’ll have to lubricate these blades regularly to keep them running smoothly.

Check your owner’s manual for the recommended lubricant. You’ll want to oil your trimmer before and after each use. This will help keep the blades clean, rust-free, and moving smoothly. You can either spray the oil onto the blades or use a cloth to rub it on.

2) Keep Blades Sharp

It’s pretty easy to tell when your hedge trimmer blades are getting dull. For one thing, the blades will start snagging on branches while cutting. You’ll also notice the engine or motor sounds labored. Hedge trimmer blades typically hold an edge pretty well, but lots of use will dull them and they can be damaged by hitting hard objects like wire fencing.

You can sharpen some hedge trimmers yourself. Check your owner’s manual for tips on how to do that. You can also take the trimmer to our service center and we’ll sharpen it for you. Some hedge trimmers can’t be sharpened, so for those you’ll need a replacement blade.

3) Clean Everything

Keeping your hedge trimmer clean is one of the simplest things you can do to extend its life. Wipe off dust, plant pieces, and other debris after each use. Never use water when cleaning a hedge trimmer, especially the electric or cordless models. That could damage the internal workings.

Clean or replace the air filter when it starts to get dirty. You’ll also need to clean the carburetor area, cooling fans, and air intake on a fairly regular basis (once a week if you use the trimmer daily). Don’t forget to clean the fuel tank, filter, and pipe at least once a season (or once a month if you use the trimmer daily).

4) Replace Parts As-Needed

You’ll need to check your hedge trimmer regularly to make sure all the parts are functioning like they should. Otherwise, it will make trimming unsafe. Before cutting with the trimmer, make sure the throttle trigger lock, throttle, and stop switch are working. And make sure the handguard is undamaged and securely attached.

Remember to also check parts like cooling fans, muffler’s spark screen, and clutch. Clean if they’re dirty and replace if they’re damaged. You’ll also need to remember to change the spark plug if it’s dirty or damaged. Finally, check all cables, connections, and bolts on a regular basis to make sure they’re tight and undamaged.

5) Store Properly

Store your hedge trimmer indoors when not in use and make sure it’s clean before storage. If your trimmer came with a scabbard for the blade, put that on when storing or transporting. And if you’ll be storing the trimmer for longer than a few weeks, add stabilizer to the fuel and run the engine long enough to distribute the stabilizer through the fuel lines and carburetor.

If you have any questions about your hedge trimmers, need some repairs, or are in the market for a new trimmer Richardson Saw & Lawnmower is the place to go. We’re committed to supplying you with the best power equipment available and providing the best customer service possible.

Richardson Saw & Lawnmower Hedge Trimmers

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