Common Chainsaw Bar Length and Care Questions

28 Mar 2014Chainsaws

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Common Chainsaw Bar Length and Care Questions Dallas

Common Chainsaw Bar Length And Care Questions Dallas

Questions about the bar and chain are common when purchasing or performing maintenance on a chainsaw. Chainsaw bars come in a variety of lengths, and you might be wondering which length will be the best for your cutting work. When using a chainsaw, questions about type of oil used to lubricate the chain might come up because of bars wearing out too quickly or leaking oil. How to adjust the tension in a chainsaw bar and chain is another common question.

What size chainsaw bar should I buy?

The size of chainsaw bars vary from 12 inches and up. The longer bar lengths, such as a 59-inch bar, are typically designed for professional use. A bar between 16 and 18 inches long will work for most homeowners. As a general rule when choosing a bar and chain, select a bar length that is 1 to 2 inches longer than the diameter of the wood you will usually be cutting. Before purchasing a new bar and chain for a chainsaw, check the owners manual for recommendations or ask someone at a service department for help.

How do I lubricate a chainsaw bar and chain?

Chainsaw bars and chains must be lubricated to prevent heat buildup, keep the saw running smoothly, and extend the service life. Most chainsaws are self-lubricating, and have an oil reservoir that needs to be filled regularly and automatically lubricates chainsaws while they are in use. This reservoir should be checked every time the chainsaw is refueled, and re-filled as necessary. Use only bar and chain oil specifically designed for use in chainsaws, which contains an anti-flinging attentive that helps the oil stick to the chain. It is not recommended that motor oil, vegetable oil, or any other kind of oil be used on a chainsaw.

Is it normal for a chainsaw bar to leak oil?

Since chainsaw bars are lubricated with oil while in use, it is normal for oil to drip from the bar after the chainsaw has been turned off. According to Stihl’s Frequently Asked Chainsaw Questions, between .3 and .5 ounces of oil is traveling around a chainsaw guide bar when it is in use. Once the chainsaw is turned off, the oil drains to the bottom of the bar and starts to drip off. This can continue for a few days, in any brand or model of chainsaw, with no cause for worry.

How do I adjust the bar and chain?

Before adjusting any chainsaw, remove the spark plug lead. Next, loosen the clutch cover nuts that hold the bar in place. Locate the chain tension screw, either on the front or side of the saw, then hold the bar up while turning the screw clockwise to tighten the chain. Wearing gloves, move the chain around the bar and loosen the screw if there are any tight spots. When finished, re-tighten the clutch cover nuts and replace the spark plug lead. For model-specific instructions about adjusting the bar and chain, refer to the section in the instruction manual that covers chain tension. These can often be located online through the manufacturer’s website.

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