Fall into Winter: Hand Held Blowers

16 Dec 2013Blower

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Fall into Winter: Hand Held Blowers

Hand held blowers from Echo and Stihl are a good choice for clean-up jobs at home or as a lawn care professional. Both brands offer a wide variety of blowers in a range of prices and sizes to fit any clean-up project. They can be used for blowing cut grass off patios and sidewalks, moving leaves, or as snow-blowers in the winter as long as the snow is not too wet and heavy.

                                                                       Home Blowers

Fall Into Winter: Hand Held Blowers

For home use, Echo offers the PB-255LN ( left) and PB-250LN hand held blowers. Both feature a see-through fuel tank that holds 16.9 fluid ounces. The PB-250LN weighs 9.9 pounds and has an average air speed of 157 mph. The PB-255LN weighs 10.4 pounds and is slightly more powerful, with an average air speed of 137 mph.

The BG 55 and BG 56 C-E (below right) are two of Stihl’s home blowers that feature Easy2Start technology, which starts the blower with a slow pull on the starter cord instead of using a quick jerk. They also feature a translucent fuel tank so you can check fuel levels quickly. The BG 55 weighs 9 pounds and blows with an air velocity of 140 mph. BG 56 C-E weighs 9.3 pounds and has an air velocity of 143 mph.

Fall Into Winter: Stihl Hand Held Blowers

If you prefer a cordless electric blower, Stihl offers the BGA 85 Lithium Ion Blower. With the battery attached, it weighs less than 11 pounds and will run for up to 23 minutes at full power on a single charge. The air speed is 102 mph.

Professional Blowers

Since professional blowers are heavier and more powerful, they are often designed to wear as a backpack. There is, however, a line of Stihl hand held blowers powerful enough for commercial use.

The BG 86 is Stihl’s most powerful hand held blower. It weighs less than 10 pounds and features an anti-vibration system and soft-grip handle for ease of use. The BG 86 C-E is the same blower with the addition of Stihl’s Easy2Start technology. Both these blowers come with flat and round nozzles to make the more versatile. The flat nozzle’s air speed is 190 mph, and the round nozzle has an air speed of 154 mph.

For a quieter, slightly less powerful blower, the BG 66 L is a good choice. It features a sound dampener and a low-emission engine that is a good fit for working in residential areas. The BG 66 L also has Stihl’s Easy2Start technology. It’s air speed is 143 mph.

Combination Tools

Blowers can also be purchased as attachments for combination tools. Combination tools save storage space and are easier to transport because a single motor can be used to power multiple tools. Stihl’s KombiMotor and blower attachment can be purchased separately, or together as part of Richardson Saw & Lawnmower’s Kombi kit #2. Echo also offers a combination tool, the PAS-225VPB Pro Attachment Series Bundle, that includes a blower and trimmer.

Whether you need a blower for cleaning up cut grass and leaves around the home, professional lawn work, or removing snow, Echo’s and Stihl’s hand held blowers are a good choice. With a range of prices, features and sizes, it is easy to find a blower that fits both your needs and your budget.

Richardson Saw & Lawn Mower